On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 22:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   Once you are "registered" and have a username and password, you never need
> to use their software again.  I recommend burning it.  It's a great symbolic
> gesture.[1]

You can still get around installing software. I just got DSL 2 weeks ago
(4 day turnaround from signing up on web site to going live, not bad if
you ask me).

I have a SMC Barricade Wireless Hub/router/NAT. I called Verizon's 800
number (5 minute wait) and said 'I see you support Hubs/NAT, what do I
use for my username/password? The guy walked me through it giving me a
temporary username/password to get connected, then I went to their web
interface and gave myself a real username/password and reset the SMC to
use that, rebooted and everything worked! Oh, and make sure that you
plug your DSL filters into the WALL and not into the telephones! It
makes a big difference!

> Footnote
> --------
> [1] Credit to Linus Torvalds.

That's from the coding style readme regarding the GNU coding style! :-O

Jeff Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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