On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, at 5:20pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ... It uses an ancient curses based interface ... Everything works
> correctly though when connecting with a terminal emulator that only
> supports telnet connections ...

On Mon, 13 Oct 2003, at 5:45pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ... No, the application runs as a captive login. (When you login the
> application starts, you can't get to a shell.) ...

  I'd be willing to bet the software in question has hard-coded terminal
control sequences embedded in it, or, at best, that it has its own, private
database of terminal control sequences, and ignores termcap/terminfo
entirely.  The terminal control sequences it uses likely came from some
[expletive] programmer who didn't bother understanding how things were
supposed to work, but just hacked at it until it worked on his terminal.  
So, now you need to use his terminal to use his program.

  It's amazing how much bad software there is, which is still in use.

  For that matter, it's amazing how much bad software is being created every

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