On Sun, 2003-10-19 at 12:27, p.lussier wrote:

> The nice thing about Cyrus, from what I've seen is that it's similar 
> to MH in the sense that each message is a separate file.  You want to 
> delete a message, you delete that file. You need to rename a folder, 
> you mv the directory.

> The other nice thing about it is the database for user 
> authentication.  There's no need to add a system user account for 
> someone who just wants to get e-mail.  UW-IMAP is another UW student 
> project gone awry :)

This is how Maildir works. Another problem that can arise from mbox
format is that if a user collects mail and never deletes anything
(usually people that sit in corner offices), then it is possible that
the mbox file can grow to >2GB. If your file system isn't properly
equiped to handle single files >2GB, then once they hit it, they are
done (and mail bounces because it can't be written to the file). Of
course, those people should be forced to take a course in remedial
e-mail, but try telling them that ;-)

I've been using Courier for about 2 years now, and I love the maildir
format. Courier also allows for "virtual" users, so you don't have to
have system accounts. You can authenticate against an SQL database, an
LDAP directory, etc. 

"Tact is just *not* saying true stuff" -- Cordelia Chase

Kenneth E. Lussier
Sr. Systems Administrator
Zuken, USA

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