In a message dated: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 11:36:02 EST
"Travis Roy" said:

>Just an FYI, Entourage is not that close to Outlook. Office X is actually a
>totally seperate code base (as is IE for the Mac). Entourage is actually
>closer to Outlook XP as far as how it looks, but they're still not quiet the

Really!  Fascinating.  Didn't know that.  The past few months have been
the first time I've used a Mac in about 15 years.  Overall, I must say
that I'm quite impressed.  I was thinking of getting a PC laptop,
though now, I'm seriously considering getting one of the 15" powerbooks!

>That's what I use, with two seperate IMAP accounts. I never noticed any
>buggy-ness with under Jaguar. Do you have any examples? iCal is

I've heard of a lot of problems, mostly with not being able to save sent
mail on the IMAP server.  Being new to the environment, it's tough
to tell what's user error, server error, or client error.


Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

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