I can send a large email message to myself (like,
a msg with a large attachment) and retrieve it "by
hand" if I telnet to the ComCast POP server and do
the POP conversation myself, so I'm confident that
the server isn't truncating my msgs.  Unfortunately,
it appears that fetchmail is unable or unwilling
to haul the same large msgs off that same server;
if I allow fetchmail to contact the server and pull
the msgs over they arrive truncated.

Any clues?  I'm running a Debian "testing" release
and fetchmail says the following in response to
"fetchmail --version" :

 (strings containing "rzq" are intentionally so)

 This is fetchmail release 6.2.4+NTLM+SDPS+SSL+NLS
 Fallback MDA: (none)
 Linux rzqrzqel 2.4.18rzqrzqql #21 Sun Nov 16 16:53:34 EST 2003 i686 GNU/Linux
 Taking options from command line and /home/rzq/.fetchmailrc
 Idfile is /home/rzq/.fetchids
 Fetchmail will forward misaddressed multidrop messages to rzq.
 Options for retrieving from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   True name of server is mail.comcast.net.
   Password will be prompted for.
   Protocol is POP3.
   All available authentication methods will be tried.
   Server nonresponse timeout is 300 seconds (default).
   Default mailbox selected.
   Only new messages will be retrieved (--all off).
   Fetched messages will not be kept on the server (--keep off).
   Old messages will not be flushed before message retrieval (--flush off).
   Rewrite of server-local addresses is enabled (--norewrite off).
   Carriage-return stripping is enabled (stripcr on).
   Carriage-return forcing is disabled (forcecr off).
   Interpretation of Content-Transfer-Encoding is enabled (pass8bits off).
   MIME decoding is disabled (mimedecode off).
   Idle after poll is disabled (idle off).
   Nonempty Status lines will be kept (dropstatus off)
   Delivered-To lines will be kept (dropdelivered off)
   Messages will be delivered with "procmail -d %T".
   Single-drop mode: 1 local name(s) recognized.
   No UIDs saved from this host.

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