Since recently I have some extra money in my pocket, I'm interested in
buying some sort of portable music player.  My criteria are these:

1) MUST play both MP3 and OGG formats, since I have a substantial
   amount of both, and no current physical access to my source
   material in order to re-rip to one or the other...

2) Should be small and lightweight -- my main use will be to enhance
   my jogging experiences

3) 128MB of RAM is ideal.  I can live with 64MB.  More than 128MB is
   not necessary, and probably a waste of my money.

4) Ideally, it should interface easily with Linux.  I have USB,
   ieee1394, and smart-card interfaces available.  Unfortunately the
   USB is only USB1, but the device should ideally do USB2 for when I

5) Price and battery life are considerations.

So, if you have any experiences or suggestions, I'm interested to hear
about them.  Links to reviews are also welcome.  Of course I will do
my own research concurrently, as well.

Note that I am NOT interested in car audio systems at this time.
Presently I have no car, and no need for a car, and thus no need for a
car audio system...  =8^)


Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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