In a message dated: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 10:21:32 EDT
Jason Stephenson said:

>I have a request that I'd like to put up for discussion. I think it 
>would be very handy if subject lines of messages sent to/from the 
>gnhglug lists were prepended with the list name in brackets. This would 
>facilitate filtering of messages into appropriate mail folders without 
>having to scan all the headers looking for the right bit of information. 
>As it is now, messages to the discuss list could contain 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] or gnhlug-discuss@ or not even contain those if the 
>message was a BCC. (Why you'd BCC to a list, I don't know, but you could.)

This procmail recipe has been working on gnhlug mail for me for more than
a decade with very few changes:

  * ^(From|TO|Cc):.*(gnhlug)
  |rcvstore +Mlists/GNHLUG

Note the distinct lack of a 'Subject' line search criteria.

> Seems that every weekend when I plan to do this, my wife comes up
> with some "more important" to do.

Wives are like that :)  I've got so many projects on my 'ToDo' list
it's ridiculous.  That's why I'm a sysadmin, I go to work to play with
things I think would be fun to do at home ;)  

>Anyway, I think that subject line tagging would be helpful. What do 
>others think?

Personally, I hate it.  It adds a minimum of 8 characters to the subject
line for absolutely no gain (at least to me).  Also, I often read e-mail
on my cell phone, which has a non-threaded mail client.  It's really tough
to tell which messages you want to read when you only have 6-10 characters
for the subject line. To have every message with a subject of "[ GNHLUG ]"
or worse, "Re: [ GNHL" would be a royal p.i.t.a.

My vote (for what that's worth) is no.

Thanks for asking though :) 

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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