> Hint to others, I would also appreciate greatly any other
> similar tools to the Bullseye coverage analyzer, pointers
> thereto and discussion thereof.

Hint to you:  what you asked for is a solution to a very difficult
problem.  A tool like Bullseye (or PureCoverage, Insure++, etc)
doesn't really solve the problem you asked to solve.

You basically asked something like: "how do I prove Fermat's Last
Theorem?"  A tool like Bullseye will do something like grind through
the first 10 billion integers and show you that the theorem is true
*for those integers*.  But actually proving the theorem in the general
case is a different matter entirely -- *much* harder, in fact.

You asked for pointers and I've been giving you some.  Just to be
explicit, here are some pointers: the halting problem, combinatoric

Hope this helps,


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