Bill Sconce wrote:

 1. Thunderbird. The "training" interface is presented in a
 streamlined way - perhaps that makes it better. Any field experience
 from the group?

I use Mozilla (1.6) which has the junk mail training like Thunderbird. I also use
SpamAssassin & Procmail on the mail server and some basic antispam
provisions in Postfix. The combination works pretty well.

I use IMAP and move all the high probability spam to a Junk folder using
Procmail. I peruse that daily and then delete everything in the folder. It takes
a few minutes to look for anything recognizable. (I get about 400-600 items
in it daily.) Barring two false positives due to a client forwarding me some
spam and asking me what it was, I haven't found anything misclassified by
SpamAssassin in the last six months.

What makes it to my Inbox is then run through Mozilla's junk mail. I have been
training it for about nine months, IIRC. It flags the items as junk and also moves
them into the Junk folder for later review. The number of items which make it
to my inbox, but are then classified as junk numbers about 75-120 per day.
(I could reduce this by kicking up SpamAssassin, but prefer to err on the side
of caution.) I have found a few false positives there (less and less as I keep training
Mozilla). In the first few months, I found several a week. In the last couple of months,
I've seen three.

The remaining 100-200 daily emails that survive the gauntlet contain about 20-50
false negatives (spam). I continue trainining Mozilla by marking them as junk. I have
Mozilla set to delete them as I mark them manually, so it cleans up my inbox at the
same time. It only takes a few seconds to scan my inbox and mark them. I do it a
few times a day.

Generally I've been happy with Mozilla's junk mail filtering. It has gotten quite good
as I've trained it. I no longer pay much attention to what is in my Junk folder. A quick
glance through it to see if I recognize anyone's name and then I empty it.

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