> A long time lurker first time poster...
> I am in the process of trying to automate some of my accounts using ssh
> and rsa keys. I pulled down keychain and have been reading some net
> references on how to configure ssh to allow a passwordless login.
> I've established my keypair and copied the public key (id_rsa.pub) to
> the .ssh home directory on the remote machine and merged it into
> authorized_keys. I've ran ssh-agent and did an ssh-add. but I still get
> prompted for my key passphrase. How can I set it up so I don't get
> prompted?
> Thanks,

Are you using OpenSSH on both ends?  OpenSSH and SSH (the original) code
the keys differently so you'd need to convert it for the server.  They
also might use different files/directories under .ssh.  SSH (not OpenSSH)
has different files for protocol 1 vs protocol 2.  In general, if everyone
is using OpenSSH, it's easier.

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