These steps form the 'Gentoo' install procedure might help when using chroot to to such things. I believe running lilo without a /proc will cause it to at least whine...

____    __
| 0|___||.  Andrew Gaunt - Computing Development Environment
_| _| : : }  Lucent Intranet:
-(O)-==-o\  Internet:

mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf
chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

Kenneth E. Lussier wrote:

On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 12:18, Mansur, Warren wrote:

- Open a terminal - Go to the directory that contains your original mounted hard drive - executed 'chroot' so that now your hard drive looks like '/' instead

Ah, yes... chroot. I knew I was forgetting something. Thanks, Warren! It
has been so long since I hosed up Lilo....

But, as a side note to anyone that may encounter this, it does not work from Knoppix. I chrooted /mnt/hda4 (my root drive), and made sure everything is as it should be. It was. I tried to run lilo, and I got errors about "open /dev/hda: permission denied". I made sure I was root, I made sure everything had correct permissions. I was, and everything did. I tried a few other things, and I got permission denied errors on /dev/null, too. Apparently, no matter what you do, Knoppix just won't let you work with files in /dev. I even changed the permissions to a+rwx on a few things (that it let me do), and I still couldn't run lilo or write to /dev/null. So, I used a Debian install/rescue disk, did everything exactly the same, and it worked fine. Things that make you go WTF?!?!?!?!


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