Kevin D. Clark wrote:

One minor problem I experienced with the web interface is that the
damn Exchange server kept on sending me http: urls -- but these never
worked for me.  The Exchange server that I used required that the urls
be https: urls.  The error message that I got was totally unhelpful.

Sounds like you were using a broken version of Outlook Web whatchyamacallit.

When I complained to the company's Exchange admins, I got blank looks
and the helpful suggestion "have you tried using Outlook?".  For
whatever reason, these guys couldn't fix this problem.

Exactly my point from my most recent email. Exchange doesn't require any understanding of what's going on.

What really got me the one time I was using OWA was that it rejected Mozilla outright in one version, linking me to the Internet Explorer download page.... I'm thinking... "Uhh... I'm using the web interface because I'm NOT using Windows!"


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