On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 08:11, Andrew W. Gaunt wrote:
> I know this recommendation may be considered to be dated;
> especially since it harkens back 2002 which in geek years
> is a different epoch, but, I thought I'd mention it anyway.
> I've not read much chatter about it and did not see very
> many references in the GNHLUG mail archives.
> There is an 86 min film named "OS Revolution" which I was
> able to rent (on DVD) via "Net Flix." It was defintely worthy
> of a Friday night's time in front of the TV (CRT sans keyboard)
> with a few beers. It is a documentary with many (not all) of
> the usual suspects talking about things we like to hear.

I have a copy from some tradeshow (HP schwag) if anyone wants 
to borrow it.

Marc Nozell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])         http://www.nozell.com/blog/

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