On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 14:02, Greg Rundlett wrote:

> I don't want to do a fresh install, because I'm not at all versed in 
> restoring all my personal data and preferences, and don't want to hassle 
> with it.  I do have a backup of my data in case there are problems. 

A nice backup to another disk is always helpful when trying to 
restore configuration files.

A while ago I put together an 130G external USB disk from pieces at
CompUSA.  Essentially a USB 2.0 external enclosure case and the
cheapest large disk they had on sale. 

Now I use the following script to backup my laptop every 
morning when I get into work:

echo "Backing up /etc to /home/marc/Configs"
sudo rsync --progress -av /etc/ /home/marc/Configs/
echo "Backing up /PHOTOS to /EXTERNAL/PHOTOS"
sudo rsync --progress -av /PHOTOS /EXTERNAL/
echo "Backing up /home to /EXTERNAL/laptop-home"
sudo rsync --progress -av /home /EXTERNAL/laptop-home/
echo "Backing up / to /EXTERNAL/laptop-rootpartition"
sudo rsync --progress -av -x / /EXTERNAL/laptop-rootpartition
umount /EXTERNAL

It is a little redundant. Both /home and /PHOTOS are copied 
to their own directories on the external disk as well as
a copy under laptop-rootpartition.  And the contents of
/etc is copied twice too.

There are other tools (mostly rsync + scripts) to keep 
dated versions without taking up a lot of space or tools 
that try to be smarter (unison).  But I find rsync does the 
job.  When the disk gets filled, I'll just clean it out some
of the transient ISOs that got backed up to the external disk.

Marc Nozell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])         http://www.nozell.com/blog/

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