On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 12:57:00AM +0900, Derek Martin wrote:
> It's not really that simple though; I think that this thread is
> highlighting an oft overlooked point: if you send e-mail to someone,
> the e-mail is only as private as the server it sits on.  If a user
......  SNIP
> FWIW, it's not that most of the mail I send is so private or sensitive
> that it NEEDS encryption -- it just isn't.  It's the principle that no
> one should EVER be reading my e-mail but me and my intended
> recipients, regardless of the contents.  Some people will no doubt
> feel that this principle is, practically speaking, not worth
> defending.  Given how few people are sufficiently sophisticated and/or
> concerned to use PGP for all their e-mail, those people are probably
> right.  But I'll stick to my guns as much as possible despite. :-P

Hi Derek.

I Think (or perhaps its really a "hope") that eventually everyone will
encrypt their personal/one-to-one email by default for the very reasons
this thread is covering, plus your point of simple privacy.

But that won't happen until everyone realizes how "public" their email
really is.  So - definitely stick to your guns and lets hope the general
public becomes much more aware of this.

Of course we'll all be  using one of homeland security's 
"approved & easily accessed by the government" crypto tools.  :)

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Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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