What about using TCPWrappers and the /etc/host.allow, /etc/hosts.deny funtionality?


Bill McGonigle wrote:

Hi, guys,

Does anybody have a good recipe for limiting ssh login attempts per IP?
The latest openssh has a limit on a per-connection basis but I need to stop 3000 attempts per day coming in on discreet connections. The source IP isn't fixed.
I'll be using portsentry as well but since sshd is listening it doesn't help this problem. An IDS would flag it, but I want to shut down the IP that has more than, say 10, failures per day. I'd like to do it locally, as opposed to a contrived script set launched by the IDS.
It seems like something that ought to be straightforward and frequently used but I didn't have much luck searching the mailing lists or Google. I'm probably missing something obvious.


Bill McGonigle, Owner Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cell: 603.252.2606
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