On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:54:19 -0400, Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:21:55 -0400
> Michael Costolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't ever see myself curling up in bed with my laptop.   And the
> > paperless office has yet to be realized.  Methinks if there is a way
> > to make a buck with dead tree versions, someone will be doing it.
> I think there are two kinds of thing that might happen. One might be an
> electronic book, that has the approximate dimensions and weight of a
> book (or a page), and you read it like a book. While I think we have the
> technology to do this today, it will require someone to bring the idea
> to the marketplace.

But why exactly would they do that?  Same size, weight, etc. of a
book, but needs batteries, has a screen that can break, and costs far
more than a common $10 or $15 paperback.  And if Microsoft has
anything to do with it, it will come with a thumb scanner to verify
that the user has authorization to be reading it.

I want to be there when they try to convince the Vulture Capitalists
it is worth the investment.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by
those who have not got it."
-George Bernard Shaw
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