Ooppps that was $100 up front and $100/mo versus $600 upfront and $60 a
month - same service, just one way is financing the equipment and

On 9/9/04 10:37 AM, "Paul Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In a message dated: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 23:01:27 EDT
> "Brian Riley (maillist)" said:
>> My download speeds are on the order of cable speeds and upload is slower but
>> At least as good as most DSL.
> What's the latency like on that?  I'm assuming with a 48K mile
> round-trip minimum for every packet, latency must be rather high?
>> I paid 4100 up front and will pay $100/month for 15 months then $60/month.
>> The alternative was $600 up front and $60 month ... Since I was paying $52 a
>> month just for my second phone line, this price is fine by me ...
> What kind of service was the $600/$60 for?  On pure dollar costs, that
> seems the cheaper way to go.  Did the $4100/$100/$60 get you a higher
> quality of service?

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