On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, at 6:11pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Ben Scott said "me too" and then proceeded to tell us details far beyond
> the scope of the question in a language that uses only English words, but
> which isn't English.

  Heh.  :)  Seriously, if anyone has questions about what a particular
detail means, feel free to ask.  I can explain what stuff means; it's just
that doing so every time is extremely time consuming, and tends to confuse
things even more then they already were... :)

> If somebody has one of those it might be fun to see if theres a WIN98
> directory at root level ...

  FYI, the "other" location one will commonly find all the Windoze
installables in is


> (my usual root and /boot are on hdd, which makes rerunning grub harder
> than for most folks)

  It shouldn't really make that big a diff.  Say your system's bootable
hard disk is hda, and your Linux boot partition is hdd1.  You should be able
to boot a GRUB floppy and then run these GRUB commands

        root (hd3,0)
        setup (hd0)

to install GRUB.

>       Everything was now back to normal.

  Or, at least, the way it was before.  ;-)

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