----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeff Kinz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: BitTorrent and Comcast?

> its a bit like asking a police officer, exactly how many MPH over the
> speeed can I go before you'll give me a ticket... :-)

I think all of us when we first used an on-line service thought that the ISP
had a lot more resources than they really do. The first time I noticed
people port scanning my system (or attempting to) I reported them to the ISP
and got a canned answer for my trouble. I no longer bother reporting the
myriad of scam artists (think Nigerian) that send email to the email off my
web site because I'm pretty sure no one will try to go after them.

<rant>In a way a lot of this nastiness persists because no one is willing to
spend the time and money to go after the perpetrators. So we continue to put
up with spam when what should happen is the people who hire the spammers
should pay a price for their actions. The scammers should be tracked down
one by one and made to face the courts.</rant>

And now, back to our regular programming... ;^)


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