On Wed, Nov 24, 2004 at 07:28:05AM -0500, Fred wrote:
> If there resources are so limited that they have to worry about 20K or
> 30K downloads, they really should seriously consider upgrading their
> computers!!!!

LiveJournal.com hosts four racks of hardware, including 7 different 
database clusters and something along the lines of 60 web nodes, yet for 
exporting data via a web interface, you are limited to only one month at 
a time - which is approximately this size.

Load can be considerable from heavy database queries, which I assume 
exporting data in this manner is. Anyone who's worked with databases for 
a while can tell you that it's not always best to allow "SELECT * FROM 
foo WHERE" with no limit: there can be a lot of data in there.

There's also the fact that you may be dealing with some people that have 
much higher numbers of transactions: dozens, or more, per day. To select 
1000 records and all their associated data is not a simple task.

Limiting by actual transactions is going to confuse customers, but they 
can limit by a time frame without too much problems on either the "too 
much load" or the "too confusing to users" sides.

Not neccesarily the case, but "buying more computers" isn't always the 

Christopher SChmidt

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