I use a Dell Insperion 600m, in a Dual Boot
configuration with RH9. I had probems with Broadcom
WLAN but was able to get a NDIS $15 driver from
Lunixant.com. You'll want to step up to perhaps a 2.6
core for proper battery management. I found
angrydwarf.com to be most helpful. My only concern
would be the Broadcom has sprung more evil silicon on
the marget, their all in one com-chips are not always
supported especially on thier desk top machines. 

Dell support seems useless (reactive), my machine was
shipped with the wrong drivers disk, and multiple
requestes ended in a dead end. Lots of phone calls
very little help. The web support channel has some
good driver updates. 

Michael Nolin
Embedded Solutions Unlimited, LLC

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