On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 11:47, Travis Roy wrote:
> > Thing I don't understand are the people who live in NH, but work in MA. 
> > Frankly, if I did that, I'd demand to vote in MA or refuse to pay the 
> > state income tax.

I was doing that for a while -- paying Mass taxes whilst living in NH. 
When you're being W2ed, there's not a whole lot you can do about it. I
did feel like fighting the issue, but bigger fish came along to fry...

> That's nothing. When I was unemployed looking for ANY work I was looking 
> for work in Maine. They tax your income based on your federal taxes.
> Well I file jointly with my wife. That means that they would tax our 
> joint income for the state income tax in Maine.
> So Dale's income would be subject to Maine income tax, even with her 
> working in NH, and never -EVER- stepping foot in Maine.

That would make me furious.

Here's something you might try -- it's in the "grey" area, so I didn't
say this. Don't know if it will work, but should. File your federal
separately, file Maine's taxes on that basis, then refile your federal
jointly and quietly. 

General Disclaimer: I just said that for amusement purposes only. 

> Their tax system is all screwy too.

A friend of mine relocated there, but then I think he "retired", so is
probably not too bothered by the screwy taxes.

> There are people fighting this and not currently paying taxes. But it's 
> been going on for years, and if they lose then they have to pay all the 
> back taxes they haven't been paying.

As always one must choose one's battles carefully. Sometimes a quiet
grey approach is better than a head-on confrontation. At least there's
no litigation fees and headaches, and the worst possible outcome is that
you'll just have to pay back the differences. Well, amusing to think
about anyway.
-- Fred

Why don't we ever have a WAR on WAR?

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