On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 10:45:31AM -0500, Bob Bell wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 12:15:46AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
> >   #!/bin/sh
> >   # NEVER start shell scripts as #!/bin/bash -- it can lead to strange
> >   # and unintended results.
> Like what?  I've never had a problem.  If I specifically am using bash
> features, I always say "/bin/bash", as "/bin/sh" could mean Bourne shell
> or POSIX shell.

If you invoke bash as /bin/bash, it will source all your environment
files (usually just your .bashrc, since normally it won't be invoked
as a login shell in this manner).  This can cause unintended effects.

I ran into this problem when I installed Debian 2.2 on one of my
systems.  When I logged into the system, IIRC X started up but I
couldn't do anything in any of the xterms I started...  That is, I
never got a prompt, and the system came to a grinding halt.  I was
able to log in at a virtual console and see what was going on.

In my .bashrc file, I had some code that used the which command to set
some variables.  On Debian 2.2, the which command was a shell script
which was invoked as #!/bin/bash.   This was causing an infinte loop,
where a bazillion /usr/bin/which processes were running and not

IIRC the most bizarre part of this was that if I logged in (as myself)
on the console, the effects were different than if I logged in under
X.  I was never able to determine why.  Note that I set the resource

  XTerm*loginShell:       true

in my .Xdefaults file, so there should be no difference (that I can
think of) between my xterm shells and one started on a VC.

> >   rsync <options>
> >   if ! $? ; then
> >     echo -e "\nrsync completed successfully!\n"
> >   else
> >     echo -e "\nrsync failed!\n!"
> >   fi
> That won't work.  As you said, $? will evaluate to an integer, which the
> shell will then (unsuccessfully) try to execute.  You want either:

You're right, sorry!  My shell coding is a bit rusty these days.  :(
This is the one I meant:

>     if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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