> >     I would attend.  Maybe bring a wife, if one is available.  Any
> > time is OK with me.  Make it some place not too noisy.
> "Take my wife - please!"

   This list has needed a "straight man" for some time.  I will try to 
fill the role from time-to-time.

   Of course your wife is welcome to join us, but then who would stay 
with the exploding kids?

> I'll be hopefully going, barring sudden explosive misbehavior of 
> children, which I don't expect.

   Do any women ever participate in LUG lists?  They certainly are 
under-represented.  Maybe we should ask Harvard to study the issue.  

> Meetings in the past have taken place in Martha's, I believe, which
> proved to be a bit noisy, but nothing that couldn't be handled.

   If food (and its ever increasing expense) could be sacrificed, 
Borders Books might have Wednesday night open.  They have a stage area 
that performers and lecturers regularly use.  It is quiet and free (as 
in beer).  They have coffee and snacks.  Some of the computer 
aficionados wandering around the store might peek in at Linux.

  The upstairs room at Martha's gives more privacy and flexibility for 
presentation, of course.  The relative suitability depends on the size 
of the meeting. 

Jim Kuzdrall

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