On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 09:41:10PM -0500, Bill Freeman wrote:
>       Fedora truly loads a lot of dreck: rfcomm, bluetooth, battery,
> other stuff I don't recognize.  (What's the point of having modules

FWIW, I'm running FC2 and I don't have those modules loaded, except
for battery (which is good, since I'm on a laptop with a battery).  
Poking through the output of lsmod, I don't seem to have any modules
loaded which I'm not actually making use of...  Or at least, to say it
a better way, I have hardware which corresponds to every hardware-
related module, and I'm using all the software modules (like
filesystem drivers, etc.).

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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