Figures.  The ONE thursday I have a conflict (this month
only) - oh well, I'll shoot for attending the April
meeting.  Below for more.

--- Ken D'Ambrosio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> [And this time, I'll even send it from an address the
> listserv knows. 
> *sigh*  Please excuse if you get a duplicate.]
> Hello!  Below is the e-mail I've been trying to send out
> for some time;
> sadly, I wanted to include a schedule of upcoming meeting
> topics/speakers, but -- ah, the naivete -- I now know
> that such things
> require substantial bulldogging to accomplish.  So, below
> list of meeting topics, and anyone who's interested in
> giving chats for
> ones not already taken are implored to contact me. 
> Anyway, back to your
> regularly-scheduled e-mail:
> Howdy, all.  Just wanted to let you guys know that, after
> much debate,
> consideration, and checking of calendars, it looks like
> the third
> Thursday of each month is the way to fly.  I'm sure that
> that'll
> conflict with someone... so I'm sorry.  BUT, it seems to
> conflict with
> the minimum number of people who responded, and -- unlike
> the fourth
> week of the month -- won't conflict with year-end
> holidays.
> [Thanksgiving's the FOURTH Thursday of November; I
> checked.]
> I've also firmed things up with Martha's, and they're
> glad to have us back.
> Here's the current schedule for upcoming meetings:
> March 17 (that's this coming Thursday):
> - General LUGness.  Come as you are, and we'll discuss
> the why's,
> wherefores, and so forth.
>    See the end of this e-mail for a (very) rough idea of
> how the
> structure of meetings will go.
> April 21: MythTV (an open-source, Linux-based TiVo-like
> system)
> - I've got some goodies from the EFF for this, and would
> invite anyone
> who's set up a
>    system to tell us how it works.  Are enough people
> familiar with it
> that we'd consider
>    having some sort of more formal installfest on a
> weekend?

haven't set it up, but MALU in alabama
( have lots of MythTV folks - many with
it on a modded xbox (don't ask why - they like it).  You
might contact them for info.

> May 19: Security.
> - I'd like to do something on security, if anyone's
> willing to give a
> discussion
>    about it.  Often enough, I see comments to the effect
> that security
> implemented
>    without knowing what you're doing isn't really
> security... but
> security, let's
>    be honest, isn't trivial to implement with Linux.  If
> anyone would
> care to discuss
>    their favorite firewall front-ends, or what-have-you,
> I'd be very
> interested.

Don't know if I'll be around, but definitely a topic of
interest to me - used to do it even.

> June 16: WINE ( -- a WINdows Emulator)
(or Wne Is Not an Emulator)

> - Ira Krakow, who helped out at the GNHLUG booth at
> LinuxWorld, has kindly
>    offered chat up WINE.  For those that haven't used it,
> it does Windows
>    emulation... kinda.  It has a long and storied
> history, and can be
>    interesting to get running.  Ira's writing a book
> aoubt WINE, and I'd
>    be very interested to hear what he has to say.  Bring
> your questions, or
>    your successes!

Wish I had that now - trying to get H&R Block TaxCut to run
under it - installs, but complains about not being able to
load a file (exact message is:
"File Open Failed.
(see WinFileReadImpl::open())"

I'm running the latest wine, compiled from cvs.

> July 21: New user meeting!
> - Meet and greet.  New users are -always- welcome, of
> course, but one
> theme expressed at
>    our previous meeting in February was that we should
> have an
> occasional meeting where
>    new users, and their concerns -- and perhaps even
> their systems, if
> they're willing
>    to lug 'em in -- are the focus.
> Aug 18: IP (not the networking kind) issues, both
> historical and
> contemporary.
> - I hope to be able to drag a specific speaker in for
> this that I met at
>    the GNHLUG booth at LinuxWorld, but haven't been able
> to firm up a date.

Especially with the effort for patents in EU - good topic.

> Generally speaking, we usually get together at 6:00 p.m.
> at Martha's for
> some chow; this is entirely informal, and everyone is
> welcome to attend,
> or skip, as they see fit.  Around 7:00, we filter up to
> one of Martha's
> function rooms, where a more formal meeting occurs; we'll
> have a Q&A
> time, and usually some topic of discussion for us to
> expound on.  New
> users/list lurkers are invited to make themselves known;
> I can't speak
> for anyone else, but I'm terrible with faces and names,
> so please feel
> free to introduce yourself even if you aren't new --
> given the sporadic
> attendance, it's likely you'll be new to at least a fair
> chunk of the folks.
> My next notifications of upcoming meetings, I promise,
> will be with a
> bit more advance warning.  Trying to fit everything
> together for an
> initial schedule was a bit on the daunting side.

Great lineup - hope it works out!  If not, "flexibility is
the key to Air Power" (Penguins don't fly - but Linux does
[see recent Linux Journal - Linux on Spacecraft])
> Thanks!
> -Ken

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