On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 07:53:04PM -0500, Mike Medai wrote:
> >First, is the drive an IDE drive or a SCSI drive or an IDE drive using 
> >SCSI emulation?  And what kernel version (2.4 or 2.6 is enough for me...). 
> Looking through my devices, it seems to be listed under the SCSI area.  
> The Kernel version is 2.4 (as returned via the kernelversion command).

What does the output of this command show:

  $ ls -l /dev/cdrom

Note: don't type the '$' character...  It symbolizes your command

> Yes, data CD's are readily accessed.  And yes, I was trying to mount an 
> audio disc.

You can't do that.  ;-)

> >I'd make sure the CD drive isn't being used by anything.  Then,
> >make sure you have all the libraries/binaries for lame/ogg/etc/
> >installed. 
> How can I easily verify this?  I've run the update(s) methods and 
> checked packages .. but can't readily determine how to verify that I 
> have everything needed.

What distro are you using?  Are you installing packages for grip,
etc.?  If so, where are you getting them from?

If you were able to install grip, and you didn't have to specify
--force (for rpm) on the command line, you have everything you need to
use it.  The rpm command (and the GUI programs that use it) won't
normally allow you to install packages if you don't have the right

> Dropping a audio CD back into the drive, the icon again changes, and 
> using Konqueror to look at audiocd:/ I find this instead:

Why are you trying to use Konqueror to open your CD?  Can't you just
use KDE's CD player to play it?  If you right-click on the CD icon, do
you get a menu option to play the CD?

[I'm not sure such an option should exist, though it seems logical...
It's been literally years since I've tried to play CDs on my
comptuer...  I normally just play MP3s/OGGs these days.]

The way I would normally think to start playing a CD would be to go to
the system menu (The K icon on your KDE taskbar, or whatever they call
it), go to the Multimedia menu, or "Sound & Video" menu, or whatever
seems closest to that, and run the CD player application.  Does that
not work for you?

> Rummaging around with the terminal I cannot locate the audiocd:/ 
> anywhere.  

It's a fictional construct that KDE uses to represent an audio CD.
There isn't anywhere on the file system which would correspond to an
audio CD.  In other words, you're never going to find it on the
command line!  It doesn't really exist...

> Kinda of .. I at least learned one new command today!  Kernelversion .. 
> which has to be run as superuser, though my Linux in a Nutshell book did 
> not specify this.

That's because you don't really need to be root to run it.  You do,
however, need to have /sbin in your $PATH, and by default non-root
users usually don't have /sbin in their $PATH.  LiaN should have a
nice section on the $PATH variable, and what to do with it...  But
basically it tells the shell (the command interpreter) where to look
for commands...  If you add /sbin and /usr/sbin to your $PATH, lots of
other commands will be available to you.  Or, if you don't want to add
/sbin to your PATH, you can just type the whole command path:

  $ /sbin/kernelversion

FWIW, the usual way to get the kernel version you're running is with
the uname command, like this:

  $ uname -r

This, or some variation of it, normally works on other Unix variants,
too.  More or less...  [The meaning is similar but may be subtlely
different on other Unix systems.]

For ripping CDs to MP3 or OGG, I second grip (and lame and oggenc).
It doesn't matter if you're using KDE, so long as the GNOME stuff is
installed on your system.  If you got it to run at all, you should be
ok.  But you may need to configure it properly before it will do what
you want it to do...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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