On Saturday 19 March 2005 09:32 am, Ted Roche wrote:
> Looks like Hosstraders is coming up in about six weeks. I understand
> there's usually a Linux contingent there.  What goes on there ("what
> happens at Hosstraders stays at Hosstraders?"), what the attraction
> is for non-hams. From the links below, it looks like there are some
> computer parts vendors there.

    I went last year (first time) and came home with about $600 from 
sales of electronics and computer parts at give-away prices ( 5 and 10 
cents on the dollar).  Made a lot of people happy.

    On sale there were computers, mother boards, disk drives, memory 
chips, power supplies, fans, PSI/ISA boards, and other component-level 
parts.  I almost bought one of the HP SCSI DDS-2 tape drives, but 
talked myself out of it.  It takes a lot of discipline to get away with 
some cash left.

    The hardware techies who frequent such swaps often get their hands 
on boxes and barrels of unsorted components from a company that is 
going under or moving.  For example, last spring a large international 
company moved from Lexington to Chelmsford.  It didn't pay to take 
anything old or used and valued less than $2000.  The rest headed for 
the dumpster or the basement of anyone who wanted it.  

> I'm not far from the fairgrounds, and would be willing to help with
> staging of materials, offering a parking space or two, or
> jury-rigging a lightening-rod/WiFi antenna on the roof if needed.
> Anything I can do to help?

    My wife and I went Friday last year.  The weather was beautiful.  We 
staked out a nice place among the pine trees.  Had interesting 
neighbors to talk to.  Took turns seeing the vendors.  Sampled the 

    Just checked.  Yes we are going this year.  Anyone who wants to join 
us is welcome.  Schedule is flexible, but Friday has advantages.

Jim Kuzdrall
gnhlug-discuss mailing list

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