Rats! Meant to send it to the list. Sorry, Ben...

So, what days and hours is the booth to be manned? There ought to be a minimum of two people, and shifts of not-too-long a period: morning, afternoon, evening? Make up some rules and post a grid like maddog had for LinuxWorld, and I'll be glad to sign up for something. Thought you'd be swamped with takers - apparently not.

RFC Rules and Schedule: - at least two people signed up at all times, volunteers requested.

{Do booth bunnies get free admission?} {Probably not, but profits go to the Shiners, so it's all in good cause...}

Additional people also welcomed. Please volunteer to bring something!

{What do we need? Laptop, distro CDs, power strips? }

Do we have any GNHLUG propoganda^H^H^H^H^H^H^H er fact sheets? Do we have booth decorations, like a sign or banner? A giant inflatable penguin?


Times         |     May 6th    |      May 7th     |
8am-Noon|                       |                         |
Noon-4pm|                       |                         |

On Apr 4, 2005, at 8:42 PM, Benjamin Scott wrote:

Hello LUGers,

I recently posted a message[1] here asking if there was any interest in continuing the GNHLUG presence at Hosstraders. To date, I've received two responses, and only one person really interested in helping at the booth. So unless I receive an outpouring of volunteerism in the next few days, I think we can officially call GNHLUG's days at Hosstraders over. That doesn't have to be a bad thing; Linux's growing popularity (and the increase in consumer high-speed Internet) has largely eliminated the reasons we were there in the first place.

Ted Roche Ted Roche & Associates, LLC http://www.tedroche.com

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