Fred writes:

> The problem I am seeing is that the IPs appear to work for a little
> while, then they are all dropped save for the first one in each class.

Can you show us your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:1 files?

Are you running anything on the box that would be bringing a real
interface like eth0 up and down?  Would Webmin do that?  Are you
running a routing daemon on the box?

Before recompiling your kernel, as a gross/funny hack it might be
fruitful to replace /sbin/ifconfig with a shell script that logs every
invocation of this command -- maybe you can catch something
unexpectedly bringing your interface up or down?

Alternatively, it might be useful to add extra logging in the kernel
where SIOCGIFFLAGS is handled.  All you'd have to do is dump out what
process is mucking with things like IFF_UP and IFF_DOWN...

GnuPG ID: B280F24E                     And the madness of the crowd!kdc                     Is an epileptic fit
                                       -- Tom Waits
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