> Please understand that there were many job postings in 1997 requiring 5
> years of Java programming experience.  In a big company the HR  department
> takes the job requirements that come in from IT and 'fixes  them'.  So, if
> you see a job you might be good at, find out who the IT  department contact
> is via contacts and bypass HR as much as possible.

And as I have said before, the other thing that happens is that postings come
through with the "ideal" candidate.  "If pigs could fly, we would like to hire
the person who has these skills....and pay him $2.22/hour."  After trying
that for about ten months, they may accept someone who can reliably spell
"Linux" and shows up for work sober every other day.

This, of course, is a bit of an exageration, but if you have two out of the
three skills and a track record of learning on your own and reliability,
then call up for an interview.

10000 job postings
1000 resumes sent out
100 interviews
5 job offers

Satisfaction of turning four of them down?......priceless


Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
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Board Member: Uniforum Association, USENIX Association

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