TikiWiki (http://tikiwiki.org/) could give you the pluggable
authentication and control that you are looking for with integrated
versioning  capabilities and browser-friendly output (in fact many
output options)  I'm not sure whether it will match your requirements
exactly, and I haven't been following the project for a while so
you'll just have to check it out to get the current features.

Another project that I used a bit more recently was
Seagull....(http://seagull.phpkitchen.com/).  Seagull is an
Object-Oriented PHP framework, with excellent documentation, and
leverages the packages  in PEAR. Although intended to be a framework
first, it does include some nifty capabilities in the area of
permissions, authentication and content management including
documentation.  One of the neat features that I liked about it was
that if you structured your documents, you could actually output a pdf
of the whole collection such that you could publish a 'print version'
too.  For support, this would be a possible revenue stream:  free
access to the online version one page at a time, searchable and easily
navigable.  And if you want to have a print copy around, to read
offline, purchase the printed copy almost on demand.
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