On Sep 14 at 6:59am, Travis Roy wrote:
What I'm hoping to do is setup something in tandem where mail gets delivered to the new server and gets passed on to imail, then when I'm ready I can just "flip a switch".

To improve upon that idea: After testing and everything, put the new, better system in production as the MX and mailbox host and webmail and so on. Host new mailboxes there. Move mailboxes for clueful people there. Leave the Ifail server running, but only as a "legacy interface" for the Luddites. Have it accept mail as <legacy.example.com> or whatever, and rewrite outgoing headers. Luddite mail gets forwarded to it, they send mail from it, but it isn't used for anything but them, and doesn't talk directly to the world. If it goes down, it only hurts them. Luddites can be moved over on a user-by-user basis, amortizing the support cost. If the bean counters complain about costs, point out that it's the bean counters' own inability to accept change that is creating the costs.

  You might want to be more diplomatic about it then me, tho.  ;-)

  "What evil shall I do today?" -- Pitr @ UF

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