Do you think it could be drive specific?  Either the drive or the media
are out of spec?  Can the drive really read the problem CDs?

dd if=/dev/hdc of=/dev/null count=200

This should report an error if there is a problem reading the media.  If
this works, then the CD is getting read and I do not know what to

On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 10:09 -0400, Cole Tuininga wrote:
> Hi all - I have a little bit of an odd situation I was hoping somebody
> might be able to shed some light on.
> Somebody has asked me to take a machine with a 300+GB hard drive, and
> install 5 or 6 different distributions of linux on it for them.  The
> idea is that they want to play with the different version for a while
> before picking one.
> The hard drive is the master on IDE0, and the CD drive is the master on
> IDE1.
> Here's the odd part.
> Certain distributions' install CDs won't boot.  I can boot Ubuntu (both
> live and install CDs), I can boot Knoppix, but I cannot boot either
> Fedora Core 4 or CentOS 4.1.  When I put them in, the boot process just
> acts as though there isn't even a CD in the drive.  
> I'm reasonably certain that both CDs are good - I used them just a
> couple days ago.  
> It's not boot order in the BIOS - I have that set to use the CD drive
> first.
> Anybody have any thoughts?  I'm more than happy to provide any required
> information that I didn't post here...
Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp.
1 Court Street, Suite 378
Lebanon, NH 03766-1358

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Lloyd Kvam
Venix Corp

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