Michael ODonnell wrote:
(IF someone can show us that "lambda" is easy to
read as well as to write!)

That would be Fred, right?  HE could show us...  (*)

If I were him I'd be afraid to show off my coding skills
because y'all might make fun of me in public, and I've never
really cared for roasted lambda chops.              ;->


Actually, I am not afraid to show my programming skills, as I have done so in various programming courses I've taught in the past.

Alas, my Python prowess is *not* current, as I have not written much Python since the time series pattern "sniffers" I wrote during my day-trading days that would scour trading data for statistically significant recurring patterns. These Python scrips would run all night long looking for exploitable trading patterns in all the major securities and give me a report in the morning a few hours before the market opened.

It was truly a wonderful system, integrated with MySQL, Java, and C++ running on a cluster of 5 computers, and would -- on my custom-written real-time charts -- alert me when that pattern re-emerged and show it to me graphically *on the chart itself*.

Having the patterns that were, say, successful 70% of the time was one thing. Being able to execute the trades based on those patterns was quite something else. 70% success rate also meant a 30% failure rate, and knowing when a trade was failing or succeeding was pretty tough, especially when you have 10s of thousands of dollars on the line.

Anyway, enough of my rambling and reveling in "the good old days." If I get back into Python anytime soon, I'll be more than happy to give a talk on it.

Actually I have a new language in mind I'd like to write, something highly experimental, that would basically put OOP on steroids. I hope to be able to do that soon. Functional Programming would definitely play a role, but that role would be minor in lieu of what I hope to accomplish.

Giving away my secrets; gotta stop doing that! :-)

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