[ Other than the fact that I'm running Firefox on my
   Debian box, this is not a Linux-specific message,
   tho it does relate to previous messages posted here. ]

I just wanted to rave about the bookmarklets available at:


It seems to me that an increasing number of WWW sites are
verging on being unreadable because the content that I'm
actually interested in has gotten buried in an irritating
tangle of "style".  Everybody's gotta express themsevles,
I guess, but sheesh!  "Tasteful restraint"?  Sorry, guv -
never heard of it...

Anyway, I've now (via simple drag'n'drop to the Personal
Bookmarks toolbar) added two bookmarklet buttons (one
disables Style Sheets and the other zaps a bunch of
other stuff) to Firefox and my viewing experience is
much improved.  The first bookmarklet is usually enough
to de-glitz most pages such that they're readable, and
the second usually takes care of those that still suck if
the first one wasn't enough.  Those two bookmarklets come
from the "Zapping Annoyances" section of that squarefree
site but I encourage you to check out the others, too.

I should mention that the sites where those bookmarklets
find their best use are typically blogs and news sites,
i.e.  where you're viewing them because you hope to find
readable text passages and such.  Those bookmarklets would
almost certainly not be applicable with pages oriented
around gaming, heavy graphics, etc.  And they yield only
mixed results if the site is heavily frame-oriented, YMMV

And I'll also mention that I don't expect my WWW experience
to be ad-free, and it's not the (primary) intent of either
of those bookmarklets to zap ads.  Grownups understand that
somebody's gotta pay the bills, so I can live with ads, as
long as they're not totally obnoxious.  (I use Firefox's
AniDisable, Flashblock and Nuke-Anything extensions to
cope with truly obnoxious stuff, but that's another story...)

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