This is one of those minor nits that start to really irritate one
after awhile: TWiki URLs suck.  They're impossible to transcribe by
hand, they're long, they're ugly, they frequently get mangled, etc.

Does anyone know of an easy way to make TWiki URLs not suck?

For example, take this URL:

Blech!  Ideally, I would like it to be:

Anyone know if this is easily possible?  A cursory check of the TWiki
docs found nothing, and Google finds tons of the wrong info.  I
suspect this might actually be more of an Apache question then a TWiki

The problem may be complicated by the fact that TWiki adds things to
the URLs to do more things, such as:

I don't really care about those (they're for the computer, not
people), but we can't break those when we improve the "regualar" URLs.

Anyone have any ideas?

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