>> Please,  K.I.S.S...
>   MIME stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.  MIME is not the web.
>In fact, it predates Tim Berners-Lee's influential hypertext project by
>several years.

K.I.S.S.  is not an invitation to osculation; it stands
for the first letters of a phrase often referred to as
"The KISS Principle", usually invoked in response to
pointless complexity.  It predates the Internet.

If you're sending a message like "Hi, Mom!"  there'd
usually be no actual need for the body of that message
to be more than 10 bytes.  The mere fact that you CAN
encode it, armor it, encrypt it, wrap it, etc, doesn't
mean you SHOULD.  That's all I'm saying.

I'm not saying that there's NEVER a need to do any of that,
(and it's genuinely cool that we have the ability) just
that in most cases it qualifies as pointless complexity.

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