They run linux at the top of Mt. Washington. I'm sure they've installed it during January..

While probalby not Ubuntu, it's still impressive :)

Scott Garman wrote:
Since the final release of Ubuntu Breezy came out today, I thought I'd
announce the "Extreme Ubuntu Install Challenge":

"On October 2, 2005, two good friends and I hiked up Middle Sugarloaf
Mountain in the White Mountains region of New Hampshire. But this wasn't
your typical hike; this hike had *extreme geek value*. For at the top of
the mountain, I was going to install Ubuntu Breezy on my laptop.

To my knowledge, no one has ever accomplished such a feat in history.
Probably, this is because no one would want to. I'd like to change that.
Ubuntu geeks of the world, I challenge you - where can you install
Ubuntu in an extreme environment? Has Ubuntu ever been installed on a
skyscraper window-washing scaffold? On an active volcano? While standing
on your head the whole time? Just think of the possibilities!

When you have a laptop, a mission, and no sense of social shame,
anything is possible. What follows is one man's story of hardship and
triumph, as he scales a mountain to install Ubuntu linux..."

Yes, there are video clips of this epic story. Anyone who knows me
personally will probably lose any shred of respect they once had for me
once they see them, but hey - I figure it's good for a few laughs. :)



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