On Wednesday 26 October 2005 6:14 pm, Brian wrote:
> > just as you can challenge a radar device on
> > its calibration.
> Have you ever tried that?  I have.  It doesn't work very well.  The radar
> companies basically train the cops on how to defend themselves and their
> radar units in court.
This is true. You would probably spend more on an attorney than the 
resulting ticket and added insurance costs. 

The chances of getting a mis-calibrated radar today is probably very rare. 

I pointed this out because if the states start to use times through the toll 
booths to issue tickets, they must also insure that the systems are 
properly time-synced because there is always the guy who will hire an 
attorney to challenge it. 

While it is not important enough for me to research properly, I believe that 
at least in Ma. when Fast Lane was initiated, the legislature passed a law 
that would prevent it from being used this way. (However, they will ticket 
you if you go too fast through the toll booth).
Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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