I have already been trying to search google and hardware reports on this but with no luck.  Any pointers are greatly appreciated.

I have a dual-boot laptop ( Dell Latitude D600 ) w/ W2K and SuSE 9.3.  For some reason though, the earphone output built into the device is not working under the Linux environment.  The earphones work fine under W2K and my previous dual-boot config ( Debian via Libranet ) had no problems with it either.  About two weeks ago I had an "oportunity" come up and had the drive reformatted, W2K reloaded and then reinstalled SuSE...again no joy on the earphones though.  I have a few coworkers also running SuSE dualboots on thier devices with no issues w/ the earphone output, although I believe I'm the only D600 in the group ( two IBMs and a different model Dell ). 

?????   advTHANKSance!!!


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