On Nov 15, 2005, at 21:29, Jason Stephenson wrote:

I also tend to only buy Fuji Film or Taiyo Yuden discs for my serious tasks.

A couple years ago when I was responsible for a system fedexing out about 200 CD's a day with $2K worth of medical tests on each I spent a week doing research on this (too time-critical for bad discs to be an issue) and Taiyo Yuden was the clear winner.

The trick with Fuji is to look at the "Made In" label. If you get Fuji "Make in Japan", buy, it's a Taiyo Yuden. If you get Fuji "make in Taiwan" it's a spot-market product and of average quality.

One can order a spindle of Taiyo Yuden's directly online so I haven't needed to buy CD's at Best Buy except in emergency, but I keep an eye on their stock just in case and sometimes they have Japan, sometimes Taiwan.

I also buy el-cheapo discs for temporary storage, and, more recently for important stuff I'll be using, I burn one of each, and use the cheap disc for daily use and keep the second, good, copy for making more cheap discs when the cheap discs delaminate or get too scratched up.


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