Just a friendly reminder; if you intend on eating, please RSVP so I can
make the reservation accurate to within at least an order of magnitude.



Who:   Ourselves
What:  A discussion of whatever gets discussed; see below
Where: Martha's Exchange
When:  Thursday, November 17; 6:00 for grub, 7:30 for meeting
How:   Directions, etc., here:

In an attempt to not draw people away from our "quarterly" meetings (eg.,
last week's seacoast meeting), this month's meeting will be more of a
social event than a strict "meeting."  General socializing, with some Q&A
going, too.  So bring yourselves, and bring your questions. Heck: if
you're really stumped, bring your hardware, and we'll take a stab.

Looking forward, December's meeting -- which falls on the 15th -- will
bring us none other than Ben Scott to discuss DNS for those of us (*raises
hand*) who need a refresher.  [And, yes, this was pushed back a month.]

I'll send out a reminder shortly before the 17th.



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