On Thu, Dec 08, 2005 at 09:15:11AM -0500, Paul Lussier wrote:
> Jeff Kinz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Yes, except of course, the words "simple" and "emacs" should never, 
> >> ever appear in the same sentence.....  :)
> I guess that completely depends upon your point of view :)

Humor, nothing more.  (And what's funnier than emacs? )

(Sorry, I know that's not true, but I have trouble resisting a straight
line (even my own.) ) :)

> >> The scripting language for emacs scripts is lisp (or a lisp variant?).
> It's not a "scripting" language, it's a full-fledged programming

Ahem. It was a joke!

In the context of the thread the perspective of the user originating the
context was that of "the scripting language for emacs".  I was simply
sticking with their context. I felt no need to start lecturing people
about first year Computer Science nomenclature.

Delving deeply into a CS-111 ("A survey of programming languages")
wouldn't have been conducive to the tone of light hearted 
humor.  Some things don't need to be examined in detail.

I've used lisp since 1978.  ( CAR ( "Damn near ruined me for ForTran...;-)" ))
I tried to solve everything by recursion after that.  Its always much
simpler for the programmer that way. ;-

> explaining why Lisp is different than all other programming languages:

Any language based on hardware registers from old, unique hardware and
entirely dependent on recursion will ALWAYS BE DIFFERENT from other

       >>>>>>>>>>>>   QUIZ TIME!!!!   <<<<<<<<<<<<<

Did you know Peter, Paul and Mary wrote a song about Lisp once?
(Can you guess the title?)  (Use of GOOGLE permitted)

       >>>>>>>>>>>>   QUIZ TIME AGAIN!!!!   <<<<<<<<<<<<<

What was the machine that the lisp programming model was based on?

First correct answer posted gets a valuable virtual no-prize.

> (Don't get me wrong, I love python, it's a great language, and makes
> some things extremely easy and it's OO architecture is, well, it would
> be very wrong to even *mention* perl in this sentence ;)

perl? wazzat? :)

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
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