For my day to day job I do a lot of software demos. Lately I've been using a Redhat system running in a VMWare image. I just got a new system that has some cool demos in it and I want to change all the passwords to be the same thing as the usernames. I realize this is going to shock a lot of folks, but it is a demo system and it is a VMWare instance, so I can always go back to the source VM if things get mucked up.

Right now when I type passwd I get:

Changing password for user root.
New UNIX password: (I type root here)
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short


For some reason all my google searches are telling me how to modify the LDAP directory and how to secure systems instead of making them 'unsecure'.

I know this goes against everything that everyone believes in, but can someone give me a quick and dirty way to set the root password to root and a user account password to the user name without having passwd barf?

(I think I'm asking how to shut off PAM.)

<Begin reason because someone will ask>
When you are in the throws of a demo it's sometimes hard to remember what the password is for a particular account. If you are using a GUI (web browser, X, etc.), it's very easy to copy and paste a username into a password field. When you have to type a username/password pair then you have the username already in your 'finger buffer' so it becomes very easy to type the password. Some of the software I demo takes a bit to do authentication and I like to turn away from the screen and talk about other things while I'm logging in. It's always a bummer to spend a minute or two talking to the crowd and then turn around expecting to see a great portal/web page and instead see: INVALID PASSWORD. Whatever point you were trying to make during that two minute segment was probably missed because folks in the crowd were saying "Hmmm, this guy can't even remember the passwords to his system, he probably has no idea what he is talking about..."
<End reason>


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