On Dec 19, 2005, at 12:06 AM, Ben Scott wrote:

  Out of curiosity, I Googled the specs on the 1600SW, to see if
mass-market displays had caught up with it at this point.  (Answer: It
appears they have.)  In the process, I stumbled upon the following,
which both mention products that convert DVI to the goofy SGI format.

>ahem< goofy?  I worked for SGI back in the day when we came out
with the 1600SW.  The choice was between two digital connectors and
signaling formats, DVI and LDI.  DVI was sort of an unknown quantity,
but LDI was use in almost all laptops. The connector was also smaller and
sturdier.  Seemed a safe bet at the time.

Recall that the 1600SW was one of the very first flat displays, and was
certainly one of the very first to use a digital interface!

As soon as it became apparent that we'd lost the format war, SGI released
the 'multilink adapter' which transcoded the formats.

for your entertainment, the SGI 1600SW was code-named '7 of 9', and the
multilink adapter was codenamed 'Droid'.  ;-)



  FYI, FWIW, YMMV, etc., etc.

-- Ben
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