On Friday 23 December 2005 07:15 pm, Dan Jenkins wrote:
> I've used Courier IMAP for years, mainly because I got it running faster
> than Cyrus. I've often wondered since what is better with Cyrus. The
> documentation at the time was, politely speaking, opaque. I've just
> never had the time to go back and try something else. I've heard the
> name Dovecot, but nothing else about it. I'd appreciate others' opinions
> on IMAP servers. (Not attempting fork this into an IMAP flame-fest.)

I'd be curious as well what others think along these lines.  I've also always 
used Courier and kind of have a bias against Cyrus.  I've heard lots of good 
about Dovecot, but also that it doesn't necessarily follow IMAP standards 
sometimes, kinda like djbdns supporting DNS.  I don't like the idea that an 
author just decides to stray when it suits him - I'd rather inter operate 
with standards.

It seems there aren't any other decent options for IMAP, but maybe I've missed 
something.  I'm going to be rebuilding a new mail server for my company soon 
and based on how screwed up the one we have is, I am starting with a clean 
slate effectively.  We'll setup IMAP (with SSL), webmail with SquirrelMail, 
SpamAssassin and ClamAV, and either Postfix or Exim for the MTA.  I'd just as 
soon use Courier as it's what I'm used to and I've always felt that's a 
valuable "feature" of any package that faces the public.  But if anyone has 
any particular anecdotes to share, I'd appreciate hearing them.
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