Re: your problem below: I think you may be a bit mixed up.  "Your" IP
address is, in all likelyhood, the cable modem's IP address -- especially
if it's going to have to act as a router to your other static addresses. 
So the thing to do is to set up a box at one of your static addresses with
Apache running on it, and try to surf *there*.  Odds of it working are
very high.

Good luck (and Happy New Year back at you!)


> First off, Happy New Year, all!
> A couple months ago I switched to Worldpath DSL from Metrocast cable
> and have generally been VERY happy ( faster up and down and none of
> the anoying drop-outs Metrocast gave me ). The also give me the option
> of picking up five static IPs for just a few $ extra per month. Since
> my free trial of 1and1 service will be ending shortly, I wanted to
> take advantage of the statics to move my web site home.  It's VERY
> light use ( a few hits / day...mostly my own use for testing things
> out ) and paying any place to host it is overkill...but I really don't
> want to give up any of the three domains I have registered for it.
> I have been able to confirm that Worldpath is not blocking incomming
> port 80. Unfortunately, my DSL modem is.  When I try to connect to my
> IP:80 I get the login prompt for administering the modem.  It's a
> rental, so I searched online and found a copy of the owner's manual. I
> was actually a little surprised to see that Worldpath changed the
> default admin PW, but they did not change the "guest" PW.  So I was
> able to get on as guest and poke around, but I can't seem to find
> anything in the setup ( or manual ) that would indicate how to set up
> port 80 to pass thru ( or perhaps change the default admin port to
> something else ).  The modem is a Pardyne 6211.
> Is anyone out there already running a web site ( and possibly the mail
> service as well ) behind a Paradyne DSL modem and/or on Worldpath DSL?
>  I would even consider purchasing my own DSL modem ( since I have to
> pay to "rent" this one anyway ) if necessary, but I wanted to check
> for options first.
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