On Friday 06 January 2006 23:27, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> Fortunately, I'd say that roughly 1/2 of the home users Just
> Don't Care.  They aren't looking to run any super-duper MS-specific apps
> or games or anything.  They want:
> 1) E-mail
> 1a) To be able to watch the (virus-laden) attachments and/or links they
> get from their friends
> 2) Web surfing
> 3) IM
> Linux can do all that, NOT get (as many) viruses, AND be a whole lot
> less expensive.  However, until you start seeing Linux boxen next to MS
> boxen at (say) Circuit City -- and for less money -- I don't see us
> making a substantial difference in userbase numbers.

I did buy a Linux box at Microcenter last year, and I believe WalMart had 
some low-end Linux offers running Linspire or some such. Still, would be 
nice to see a stronger penetration of those.

However, for the millions who use their computers more as *appliances* than 
anything else, I am just not excited.

A side note on Microcenter: Even though they are probably the best computer 
store outlet in the general area, and the best I've ever seen barring none 
in the US, I'm a bit miffed about their customer service. They gave me a 
hard time with my tax-free purchases as a corporation, and I utterly despise 
paying Mass taxes when I live in New Hampshire.

So, I guess I'll have to suck in my "gotta have it right now" mentality and 
go back to ordering online. You'd think my dropping a few thousand bucks in 
their store would be important to them, but I guess not. Oh well.

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